Monday, 21 August 2017

Звезда Апокалипсиса: 2017 год. Часть 5. Создатели кругов на полях ответ...

Звезда Апокалипсиса: 2017 год. Часть 5. Создатели кругов на полях ответ...: 7.08.2017. Круги на полях Англии.  Ссылка: Изображение нейтрон...

Maybe Mayan calendar date of and 3 Ik for August 21, 2017?.

One row 4/7 boxes filled, then along the next two rows 13/14 boxes filled. There are 2 symbols outside for "Q" and "J" his signature. Some tiny Morse code inside two boxes says "dot-dot" for "I" then "dash-dot-dash" for "K" which is a Tzolkin day name of "IK", with three small squares just above for "3 Ik".